
Improving Customer Communication

We’ve all been there before: juggling too many jobs, trying to keep everyone up to speed on what’s going on, when you’ll be arriving at a job, filling homeowners in on what got done– it’s a lot to manage.

If only there were a solution that helped solve all those communication problems… wouldn’t that be nice?

Oh, wait! That’s what Lydul does.

Customer communication and job management doesn’t have to be a thorn in your side. Check out these tips on how to improve your customer communication and run your jobs more efficiently with Lydul. 

  1. Set clear expectations for the homeowner.
    This isn’t as complicated as some make it out to be. From going out and bidding a job to selling it, dispatching a tech or crew, and all the way to sending out an invoice, the homeowner shouldn’t have to play any guessing games on what the status of their project is. From personal experience, not knowing where work on your home stands is a surefire way to lose out on referral business.

    Keeping that communication clear and letting homeowners know exactly when and what to expect is huge when it comes to keeping homeowners happy and securing those referrals. 

  2. Keep the homeowner informed all the way through.
    Communication between you and the homeowner shouldn’t end as soon as you sell the job. Rather, keeping communication clear and constant throughout the project lets the homeowner know that you value their time and are working to get the job done as soon as possible.

    Now time for a shameless plug for Lydul! Lydul’s coworker management feature is the best way to keep the homeowner informed on project progress. Share a complete timeline of all the project photos and videos and let homeowners know as soon as you run into something unexpected. This is an excellent way to build trust and show the homeowner that you’re being transparent. No one likes to get an initial bid, only for the final invoice to be way higher because of something unexpected, so letting homeowners see exactly what you see is a great way to keep them informed from beginning to end.
  3. Keep in touch after the job is complete.
    You’ve done all this work to keep in touch with the homeowner throughout the sale and completion of the job, but don’t stop there! Keeping in touch with homeowners after the job is complete is a great way to secure more referral business and keep your company top of mind for any future needs.

    Lydul has some awesome features that make scheduling recurring jobs, creating detailed reports, and collecting reviews and referrals unbelievably easy. We all know in this business, word of mouth and referrals are huge to securing the next job, so giving your techs and crews the tools they need to get those 5 star reviews and neighborhood referrals is crucial.

    Pro tip: Photos taken with Lydul are automatically added to reports, and make sure you share project folder links, for if they ever need to look back on work that was done. 

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